Sweating the (really) small stuff – over-prepping for a game
"There are DMs who are like, ‘F**k it, this is imagination-land; I will wing all of this.’ But I am not one of those people."
"There are DMs who are like, ‘F**k it, this is imagination-land; I will wing all of this.’ But I am not one of those people."
"We did not go into this fight with the right strategy at all. We were all about defeating our enemies in the usual way, by killing them."
"My character learned that his entire religion was a Ponzi scheme by extra-planar tentacle-monsters, so it was a stressful session for him."
"In D&D, it’s not a kill-your-darlings type situation, because they’re someone else’s darlings."
"Here is the recap I wrote for the very first session I ever DM'd. Looking back at it, the plot was definitely...not the strongest."
"It’s never bad to have moments where you’re reminded that this isn't a game where you have a better experience if you succeed all the time"
"Well, I was a boozy wine mom, so some material I did bring over from our games."
Our players' exact words were ‘omg dms fudge their rolls’ followed by ‘i feel… / betrayed…’
We have different approaches. You're very much a ‘I will put in hours of work’ type DM; I’m a bit more like, ‘There’s a sheet, off you go.'
"I think, ‘Oh, they’ve got no way of taking these guys on’, and then the party does something I don’t anticipate and crush it."
"He did have a very good BAB. If only he hadn’t spent most of that fight blind and not hitting anyone."
"Freud would absolutely adore hanging out with you."
"The moment where the song started playing and you all went from, ‘Everything’s cool; we got this,’ to ‘What!? We're about to be murdered!"
"I wouldn’t want the focus of this moment to be, ‘Do we have enough money?’ Dying is bad enough anyway."
"Then we got to fight her so she stopped being so distant, literally and metaphorically."
"I’ll let you put whatever you want in the sea. The sea’s weird."
"My character’s en route to becoming a villain in the main campaign."
"All characters need at least one weakness so that they can get mad when the DM uses it against them. It helps the party bond."
"If you’ve sacrificed a whole level into a particular class in order to get a mount, it should be better than any old horse you buy."
"It doesn’t really hold you back in the way that one might think."